What's New in 4.31?
Welcome to the ebs 4.31 release, our third and final major release of 2019. This release sees us round off our statutory work for 2019, build upon a few key themes we have been working towards and includes defect fixes included relevant to all our customers and markets.
We have included new functions in ontrack, allowing users to edit assessment data, carry out additional functions regarding deletion of learners (based on feedback from customers regarding GDPR) and lots of feedback items across the product set to improve the system's usability for all stakeholders.
The ebs Online Help continues to develop and we have now almost converted all of our traditional PDF documentation into the online help pages, and release notes are also now fully online. All changes are documented in the release notes, which we recommend all customers read as they contain key information with regards to product updates and how you can make use of them.
We encourage all customers who have not adopted functionality in previous releases to review release packs for all recent major releases to ensure that you are making the most of ebs functionality. We would like to thank all customers who provide feedback to us and we look forward to engaging with you further as we shape our next releases of ebs.
- Mike Fisher, Senior Product Owner